Anvith Thudi

Email:   CV: here    Google Scholar: here
I'm a third year CS PhD student at UofT co-advised by Prof. Nicolas Papernot and Prof. Chris Maddison, supported by a Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarship. Before my PhD, I was a math specialist student (pure math undergrad) at UofT. If you are a student at UofT interested in Machine Learning, consider coming to our weekly ML lunch talks at Vector! We talk about what's new and exciting in the field, from theory to applications: no expertise required, just curiosity.





A collection of expository essays written while studying C* algebras and their classification under Prof. George Elliott during my undergrad. The goal of these essays is to present the main prerequisite ideas for a particular problem in one relatively short document (as a sort of reference guide with a common theme).

  1. Category Theory and Classification
  2. The Classification of "Nice" C* Algebras
  3. The Atiyah-Singer Index Theorem (Note: indirectly motivated by a graduate course in Riemannian Geometry and the notion of index in terms of variations)
  4. Graphs and C* Algebras (Note: was taking a graduate course in combinatorics and hence had graphs on my mind)
  5. Irrational Rotational Algebras (Note: this is often the first concrete example on the classification of C* algebras one sees)